GA: I'm learning how to put the little pieces together. The other stuff comes naturally, but putting the little pieces together, I have to work at it. I'm usually go through a trauma right after I finish gathering everything and then I know I have to start processing it and putting it together. I have writer's block. I go through this trauma every single time, even if it's just a poem. Usually I need to just go with the process and sit and not do anything about it for a couple of weeks, and then slowly of itself it'll-- When I try and force it it's very traumatic.
LB: That's interesting, because I work the other way around. I get the big picture first, and then I have to go back and actually fill it in and make it so that it really is comprehensible and makes sense and back up what I'm saying. That's were I get all--
GA: See, I start off by having the big picture, an idea, [unintelligible 00:11:39] the vision and then I gather all this little data, but to glue it together, that's where the trauma comes.
LB: The other thing about this South Node, North Node things is that South Node is in Pisces and North Node is in Virgo. Some of the ways that intellectual stuff comes to you is in terms of-- It's Piscean, it's psychic and very fluid and spacey and a little mystical and all that, and the stuff that's harder and that you have to work for more is the much more disciplined-
GA: Detailed.
LB: -focused, detail-oriented.
GA: Sí. Exactly. Wow, do you know me.
LB: Virgo in the 6th house are real interesting, especially being a Leo. I used to always have problems relating to that stuff, at all. The more I think about it, it's the hermit card in Tarot or the virgin, not in the sense of Virgin Mary, but the ancient virgins who were the temple priestesses.
GA: Sufficient unto themselves.
LB: Yes, and all that stuff, or Diana. A lot to do with purification, not in a puritanical sense, but in the sense of dropping all the garbage so you can get on with it.