GA: This bull here and this bull here mean the ability to manifest, to bring to earth, to complete whatever activities that she starts because this represents her, or that's how you see her. Because Taurus is really-- it's not just planning, and it's not just dreaming and thinking about things. It's really doing, really carrying it through. It's earthing it. There's three Earths, Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn, and of those three, the Taurus is the sign that really does manifest things.
SG: It's fixed.
GA: Fixed. So that she's got that potential. The elephant. See the elephant over here? The elephant--
SG: hah. Two of them. Is it two? Yes.
GA: Yes. They had to do with hearing. With a sense of hearing. A symbol for that and also for long memories. These snails here. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, means that she's been pierced by five. How many did I say?
SG: Nine.
GA: By nine situation, people, events, whatever, that have been very instrumental in transformations for her and breakthroughs. The snake represents regeneration and rebirth. These memories of our experiences or lessons, whatever they are, she has the ability to go through them and be transformed. The symbol of the snake. The dove is the symbol of wisdom, peace. Wisdom if the little bird is carrying an olive twig. I don't think there's an olive twig here, so this is just peace and love. This thing in the background. One, two, three, four, five, it just represents all of the perceptions, mental, emotional, spiritual. And the key?
SG: mmhmm
GA: represents the key to knowledge, to the wisdom that you, through a teaching learning situation you can acquire. Then also bringing to earth, the two fingers. The orange color is the second chakra color, which is healing. It's the color of healing. Healing and renewal. There's also some red, which is a lot of energy, fashion. Isis is holding a bow in her hand, and it's the crescent moon. That's symbolizes the unconscious, the subconscious. Do you have any questions about this?