CS: [inaudible] left-handed?
GA: See, the part of me that predominates is the right brain. You know, whichever palm you put over first when you do like that? Okay you’re left-brained–I mean–you’re a right-handed person. I’m a left-handed person even though I write with my right hand.
CS: And when you grab for something, do you grab with your left hand?
GA: Um, up until it broke. I was doing most of the things with my left hand but then I broke this arm so then I started doing things with this right hand.
CS: So would you tell me that you’re left handed or right handed?
GA: Right now I’m right handed but naturally I’m ambidextrous. When I was little…
CS: When you were born, when you were born were you left-handed?
GA: Yes… I think I was.
CS: This is your left hand?
GA: This was in a cast so it's a little more wrinkled. But why don’t you read my right hand since that’s what I am now? They’re very different, no?
CS: Well the thing is that whichever hand you use is the hand that is the manifestation of your life as you're living it.
GA: mmhmm I’m right-handed.
CS: Your left hand, or your other hand--the hand that you use less--is a reflection of the potentials and the dynamics that you needed to work out in this life. For example, let's say it's your left hand. What’s written on your left hand is the markings of your spirit, the things that your spirit needed to work out, the things that your spirit wanted to work out. It’s a marking of the progression you’ve made up until this point–your spirit has made up until this point. The markings on your right hand, or the hand that you use the most, is the marking–marks the progression that you’ve made in this life.
GA: Okay do it on the left.
CS: Left being what you came in with…
GA: Yes
GA: And this is what I am now.
CS: Okay…