Natal Chart for GEA by Liza Biow, Brooklyn, 05 June 1983
Natal Chart created for Gloria Anzaldúa by Liza Biow in Brooklyn on June 5th, 1983
Natal Chart for GEA by Liza Biow, Brooklyn, 05 June 1983
- 1. 174a
- 2. 174b
00:00:00 - 00:02:25
Gloria Anazaldúa: Sí.
LB: -sort of regular setting up rituals for yourself that help you channel your energy is a very critical thing in your life.
GA: It is [crosstalking].
LB: It's part of your path, basically. We'll get into that when I talk about your North node.
LB: Anyway, but basically, aside from that Virgo stuff going on, it's mostly air and fire, which is very self-expressive. Self-expression in the sense of there's a real need to put yourself out there in some way. You hate feelings of restriction.
GA: Oh yeah.
LB: The energy is very much going out, wants to go out all the time. Whereas the earth and water are much more self-contained, sort of gathering in energy.
GA: Any kind of limitations on me, I can't stand it.
LB: Yes, well, there's a lot of stuff in here about how you could never do a nine-to-five job if your life depended on it. It's just not in the cards.
GA: I know, I've done it, but I can't--I just can't! [laughs]
LB: When I was looking up stuff in your chart, it was funny, there's about four different things in it say forget the nine-to-five jobs circuit. Everything in your chart says, "No way." It's also a particular kind of playfulness to both those, more so than the other ones. Earth and water tend to be a little more somber and a little more-- Everything is gathered in. Can't remember the difference between centripetal and centrifugal, but the one that goes out is air and fire, and the one that sort of gathers in is earth and water, and you're heavy on air and fire. It's good that you have that earth in there, because otherwise you'd be a little too unfocused.
00:02:25 - 00:02:25
Banzhaf, Hajo, and Anna Haebler. Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide to Correspondences and Interpretation of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects. Red Wheel Weiser, 2024.
00:02:25 - 00:02:58
LB: It's not so much spaced out, but just scattered. It's not like Pisces, that's real spaced out. It's sort of running in so many directions at once that you don't know what you're doing anymore. A tendency to really exhaust yourself also, because you have so much energy and you have so much you want to do all the time that could get going off in too many directions.
GA: Yes, I always want to do everything.
LB: Yes, well, there's a lot of stuff about that.
GA: According to the sidereal astrology, I'm a Virgo, not a Libra.
LB: Oh, yes?
GA: [laughs]
00:02:25 - 00:06:21
Which does mean that you have a tendency to have trouble sticking with things over the long haul, sometimes. On the other hand, it means that you don't tend to get real rigid around things. You have lots of initiative. The initiative is the cardinal, and that's the real-- The people who always start things off usually have a cardinal [unintelligible 00:04:20] within whatever element it falls in, its the beginning of that. It's sort of like the springtime of that particular element or the beginnings of figuring out what that stuff means. With you it's Ares, cardinal fire.
GA: Yes, I've got about six books that I'm working on. [laughs]
LB: Yes. They always have great ideas and tons of initiative and just go out there and they'll start anything, and they're very fearless, usually about going out there and doing it, but then they get bored.
GA: That's why I have [unintelligible 00:04:52] The novel, I started writing that in '74, and I'm still working on it. That's almost 10 years.
LB: Libra has that also, sort of initiative. It's in a different sphere, it's much more in social stuff. You make connections with people very easily, and you'll do that. Then you have a fair amount of emphasis on mutable with the Virgo. You have the Venus in Virgo and your midheaven in Virgo and Sag rising. The mutable is distributive. It's wanting to make the connections between everything, whichever element it's in.
While Sag, in particular, is a lot that way of making the connections between philosophical ideas. It's a lot more communication and sort of putting the stuff out there in a way. The cardinal is the initiation and then the fixed is the consolidating whatever that particular element is. Then you get to the mutable, which is spreading it around in the world. You're big on starting it and spreading it around the world, and you have a little bit trouble of just sort of [unintelligible 00:06:19] [crosstalk]--
GA: Yes, let somebody else finish it.
00:06:21 - 00:06:21
Banzhaf, Hajo, and Anna Haebler. Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide to Correspondences and Interpretation of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects. Red Wheel Weiser, 2024.
00:06:21 - 00:08:51
GA: The structures and stuff that I'm putting out, are they mental?
LB: Well, there's two things on that. There's all this 10 path stuff, and a lot of what you're putting out-- 10th house is-- In traditional astrology it's the house of the professional, meaning standing in community and that kind of stuff. In your case, it's more like a thing of making-- It's a lot about structures. It's the Capricorn house. It's the Saturn house, also. It's building structures in the world. It's a profession in the sense that you're building something. It's a real building house. There's some real need to do something in the world and to affect the world in some way. That's a real driving force, and your sun is there. Your sense of purpose, it's not enough for you to sort of be mountaintop figuring out, you know, whatever. There's something about needing to make some sort of-- To build something in the world. To build something that is useful to other people.
GA: I have this whole philosophy and this whole yoga, and this whole thing that I call El Mundo Zurdo which I want to present to the world, and I've been weaving it in and out of my autobiography, and the problem with the autobiography is all these connections that I want to make. [laughs]
00:08:51 - 00:08:51
Title: "El Mundo Zurdo," essay notes | Location: Box: 61 | Folder: 18
00:08:51 - 00:08:51
Banzhaf, Hajo, and Anna Haebler. Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide to Correspondences and Interpretation of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects. Red Wheel Weiser, 2024.
00:08:51 - 00:09:56
It's this particular kind of astrology [unintelligible 00:09:28] that I can't decide whether I agree with it or not. I can buy that to a certain extent, but she sees the midheaven as the symbol of where you fit, where you fall in the Earth or how you are related to the Earth as a planet and where you are in relation to this global community.
GA: Sort of like your destiny.
LB: Yes, but it's your location on this planet as opposed to just you as some sort of abstract. It's very where you are on the Earth, particularly. [unintelligible 00:09:55] as a point.
GA: That's very interesting.
00:09:56 - 00:11:54
GA: [unintelligible 00:10:36] You're right about the harmony.
LB: There's a real thing about balance. It's interesting, because Libra--There's all these connections back and forth. Your sun is in Libra, and the Venus, which is this real strong, absolutely focal planet in terms of all this stuff, is the ruler of Libra. Libra is a very social sign in some ways, and they are very into balance and they don't really like to fight and they don't like conflict a whole lot, but they're not wishy-washy at all. They're very feisty. They have a real strong sense of justice a lot of the time. They'd rather everything be in balance, but they can get just furious when somebody refuses to let that happen. Do you know what I mean? They can be really fierce fighters, and they would really rather not have to fight at all, but if it comes to that, you better watch out.
GA: I never get angry, but when I do people just run. [laughs] They don't want to be around.
LB: It's true. That's perfect Libra. They're very strong in a particular kind of way, but they'd rather everything be in harmony, but partly they'll fight for that. They'll fight for that to happen.
00:11:54 - 00:11:54
Title: Lecture - Emotions and Anger, 1988 March 05 | Box 155 | Item 3** | Extent: [mp3 #103]
00:11:54 - 00:13:19
LB: Well, it's interesting because the midheaven is in Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury which is in Libra, which is ruled by Venus which is in Virgo. There's all this Venus, the Virgo, Libra and Venus, Mercury stuff keep circling back around each other here.
GA: That's very interesting.
LB: There's these two planets, the Venus and your Mercury, there's a name for that. See, when one planet is in a sign, there's a thing called the dispositions. Different planets are ruling over different planets depending on which sign is-- You do little chains all the way around the chart sometimes of the sun is in Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, which is in whatever, which is ruled by whatever. You get this little chain of things affecting each other that way. Yours, you've got your Venus and Mercury are mutual dispositors of each other. They're very connected that way. They're each in the other one's side, and then you have your 10th house, Libra in this house that is ruled by Mercury because Mercury is in your midheaven. They're very connected.
00:13:19 - 00:15:10
LB: Well, it's sort of like the 10th house is to houses the way Saturn is to planets and the way Capricorn is to science. There's one real nice astrology book in which they have-- they just give the numbers to all the planets and all the houses and all the signs and they link up of the first house is the Aries house is ruled by Mars. The second house is the Taurus house is ruled by Venus. It's that quality to that house but it's not-- So it has the flavor of Capricorn and Saturn in the sense of both of those, Saturn is the planet of structure and of building structures, and Capricorn is the sign that is the most involved with that stuff. That's what the 10th house is about.
It's not like your 10 house is ruled by Capricorn. Your 10th house in particular is ruled by Virgo, because that's what's [unintelligible 00:14:25] or it's ruled by Mercury. [unintelligible 00:14:30] Anyway, the stuff in terms of putting stuff out there is very much connected with all this 10th house stuff, which I'll go into some more in a minute. Also, there's the Mercury in the 11th, which is your intellectual vision, and it's in the 11th house, which is community. It's the Aquarian house. It's community and a utopian vision of the ideal community of the future. It has a lot to do with your friendships and collectivity and however you identify your community, that's 11th house stuff.
GA: That's exactly right.
00:15:10 - 00:17:47
GA: Sí. Especially this past month when I've been doing a lot of meditating and a lot of affirmation is coming through, and I'm even getting some training in my sleep from the astroplanes. All this weird stuff is going on [laughs].
LB: Well, there's a lot of real strong visionary stuff in your chart, especially having this-- Well, let's go back to the 10th house thing. The sun conjunct Mars and Neptune thing is a very powerful little grouping of planets. Your sun essentially it's your ego, not in the sense they talk of in yoga of you need to get rid of your ego. It's not that. The sun's your sense of self in some very deep way.
GA: Is it the soul, the self?
LB: It's not even "the self," because your self is the whole chart. It's more like your conscious identity. It's more how you see yourself, how you see yourself very much in the world. It's a lot about will and sense of purpose and that kind of thing. Your moon is yourself also, but it's the less conscious, more emotional, reactive, emotional, less purposeful. The sun is like your sense of purpose. It's how you see yourself as an actor in the world. A lot to do with purpose and will [unintelligible 00:17:05] It's yourself. It's conscious identity. You need to be taking care of your sun stuff. If you're not taking care of your sun stuff you start feeling like you don't have any purpose in life.
GA: See, I get very--
LB: If you're not taking care of your moon stuff, you feel emotionally ungrounded, but it's a very different thing. It's stuff like you can feel very emotionally grounded and you're taking care of all your moon stuff or whatever, and feel totally listless in a way, because your sun is sometimes messed up at that [unintelligible 00:17:40] There's different aspects of yourself, but the conscious, identity purpose kind of thing is the sun.
00:17:47 - 00:17:47
Title: "Vision," 1983 | Location: Box: 65 | Folder: 18
00:17:47 - 00:19:04
LB: Well, except that the beginning of the sign is very strong in that sign.
GA: Ah, so it's not on the cusp?
LB: Well, it is, but the cusp-- Things get mushier at the end of a sign. If you have something that's 29 degrees, something or other, it's very much shading over into the next sign. If it's in the very beginning of a sign, it's very much that sign. If you're one or two degrees, something, it's very strongly that sign, but when you're in the very end of the one before it's starting to get mushy. It's like you're Neptune and Virgo is really hovering on Libra, but the sun is very strong in Libra. Actually there's this thing called decans, where they divide the sign up into three pieces, and the first one is the most that sign, in a way. The Libra Libras is the first 10 degrees, and then the second 10 degrees would be the next air sign along, which would be Aquarius. There's an Aquarian tinge to those Libras. Then the third one is the next one along, which is Geminis, Gemini-ish Libras, but you're the Libra Libra.
00:19:04 - 00:21:14
LB: Oh, woah.
GA: Yes. You're going to like this book.
LB: Oh, that's so [unintelligible 00:19:14] Anyway, okay. This conjunction here are those three planets. Sun conjunct Neptune in itself is-- actually [unintelligible 00:19:29]. All three outer planets are in some ways mystical, spiritual stuff to them, but in very different flavors. Neptune is the real oceanic, at-one-with-the-world, complete loss of ego, that kind of spirituality. I mean it's ocean. That's all I can think of is ocean, and this real sense of being very much at one with everything and peaceful and also very prone to-- It's also a planet of illusion and just being lost in stuff and drugs. People who have screwed up Neptunes are way into drugs. When there's problems with your Neptune, there's a real problem dealing with reality, altogether.
GA: A large part of my life is like that.
LB: Yes. It's a very hard aspect that way. You have a vision of how connected everything is and of how it should be that way and how everyone should be feeling that. The fact that the world as you have to live it day to day is so far from that is so horrible that there's a real tendency to just withdraw into yourself and build your own fantasy world, because there's this incredible--You have a sense of such empathy with all the stuff around you. There's all the violence or the whatever or the horrible stuff that's going on in the world. It's just too much to deal with alongside that feeling of connectedness with everything.
GA: I can remember as a child feeling like that. I had to grow a thick skin.
00:21:14 - 00:24:21
GA: Is that because of Neptune conjunct with sun?
LB: That's a lot because of Neptune. It's also because of your Saturn is retrograde, which is different, but it also has to do with not being very well defended against the world, psychically. Especially with sun conjunct Neptune. There really is this thing of a real strong, empathic connection with everything living around you.
GA: Like it hurt me when people were turning off the cigarettes on the grass. The grass is alive.
LB: Right, that kind of stuff. It could be really agonizing on some level to be that in tune with what's going on. This is the problem with people with strong Neptune things is you're so aware of everyone's pain or everyone's whatever that you can't deal with it. It's like having skin of parchment or something. You're feeling everything's pain and everybody's pain and everybody's whatever. Even good stuff can be completely overwhelming because you've got everybody's.
GA: Then I tend to go the opposite way, to become callous, just in self-protection. [laughs]
LB: You never really manage very well to be callous, I imagine. Probably callous by your standards is not callous by other people's standards. There's also, one of the things that people with that kind of stuff tend to do is withdraw into a real fantasy world. I have a moon in Pisces, a really strong moon in Pisces, which is similar stuff. It works in a different way than mine, because yours is much more connected with your sun, which means in some ways that you have a hard time getting a handle on who the hell you are.
Especially when you were a kid, I imagine, had a really hard time figuring out who you were and what you wanted to do in the world and what your sense of purpose was or what your own value was, even, because, first of all, it was really difficult for you to separate out yourself from everything else around. There wasn't a sense of you as a separate entity, because you felt so connected to everything. One of the things that happens a lot with the sun-Neptune stuff is real insecurity in a certain way. If you feel like you're unequipped to deal with the world. Everyone else seems to wander around not getting upset about the grass, and [unintelligible 00:24:01]
GA: Yes, I couldn't believe these people. I hope you have a pen, because I don't have any cartridges.
LB: Yes, I do. Let me turn this off [unintelligible 00:24:21]
[sound cut]
00:24:21 - 00:26:23
Speaker: The week of starting on Saturday, June 5th, I believe it is, whatever that Saturday is. We'll have to get together for dinner some night during that time. I would guess that it will be that Monday. I don't remember the date, should be-- My guess is that it'll be Monday, June 8th. I'll try to get in touch with you. If you don't hear from me, call the house or something so I can figure out where I can find you, or give me your office number, which I doubt I still have, and we'll work something out. Okay. Right now I am heading to a shopping center where I'm going to look around for some interiors.
If I don't find some interiors, I'm also looking for a pair of nylon bathing trunks, swim trunks, whatever you call them. I had a pair I bought maybe 20 years ago, that I still have, but they're finally getting unglued. From my standpoint, if you can get 100% nylon swim trunks, they dry out so fast. It's always a pain in the neck when you go for a swim and you come out and that damn things stay wet for a couple of hours. These things, you could come out and you'd be completely dry in 20 minutes. They wear like iron, which is great for sailing.
I've seen some in Sears, but the bastards never have any assortment. I see exactly the one I want in size small, which is hardly what I can use. I see lots of what I don't want in the size that I normally wear. Among my other things, including looking for interiors, I also check every Sears store I see to see if maybe they got the swim trunks I'm looking for. Anyway, enough of this garbage. Talk to you in a couple of weeks. That's all. Bye-bye.